Categories: Finance

3 Simple and Effective Ways to Keep Burglars Away

There is nothing worse than coming home after a long day, or reporting to your place of business to find the doors wide open and several items missing. While we know that the threat is real, few people like to think about it and procrastinate on installing residential and business security systems. While no one wants to hear why burglars do what they do, you could learn a lot, and be prepared by installing a proper business alarm system, which most of the best home alarm system companies offer as a service. In a recent interview with burglars, who will remain anonymous for now, they shared their insights on what makes a home or an office an easier target.


It Is A Known Fact the Your House Is Unoccupied During the Day

Most people have the fear of burglars who break in at night, but these no good doers are changing tact. Robbing a house during the night increases the burglars chances of being caught so, they will scout for a house that is unoccupied during the day. Intruders will watch your house for days even weeks to ascertain your schedule then make the move when you least expect them. Others will casually knock on the front door to ensure that nobody is home.


Instead of quitting your job to safeguard your home, you can get some of the best home alarm system companies in your area that offer video surveillance as a service. While at it, ask them about their office security system or that they recommend a company that offers the service.

You Leave Access Points Unlocked

Locking doors when leaving your home or office is second nature, but burglars have reported that most people leave their doors unlocked. A business alarm system will not work if you have left your doors or windows unlocked. This could be due to a false sense of security within your neighborhood or business complex. Worst of all most people do not take measures such as putting up alarm systems. The backdoor is one of the doors left unlocked and the fence provides cover for the robber to do as they please when you are away.


Locking your windows and doors might not be the ultimate security hack, but it will make it more difficult for burglars to access your home, or office for that matter. It is best that you get your local locksmith to install a deadbolt on your exterior doors and install better window locks. Business premises also need a robust office security system to deter burglars who are after company secrets. Depending on the location of your office, you will want to get a business security system to deter intruders.

Allowing Your Mail to Pile up

An overflowing mailbox is a clear sign that you are not in and burglars will make plans to infiltrate your premises. To avoid making your home or office an easy target, ask the post office to hold your mail, and have your neighbor pick up your newspapers and any other parcels that maybe delivered to your doorstep. When you are away, leave a few lights on, and have someone tend to your everyday duties such as watering plants, picking up newspapers, et al. Do your research and identify best home alarm system companies, compare their products and have one install a silent alarm that will go off when an intruder breaks into your home alerting the authorities.


For the office, you will need a business security system a burglar could make away with expensive items such as computers, laptops, photocopiers, printers and this will set you back huge sums of money. More so, the items could have confidential information, which the burglars could sell to your competitors. Ensure that you scout for a proper business alarm system and an office security system that not only keeps your processions safe, but also the data in computers and in hardcopy.

Jessica Andrea:
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