How to startup your business?

The dream is to have something that’s our own, we’re our own bosses and we don’t have to answer to anyone. And that all sounds really good, but starting up your own business can be a difficult thing.

Before you make all the big moves, take out a loan and invest everything you have, you will need a startup business plan. It is really important to do good research before making any moves and see if starting up your own business is the right move for you. As we all know, not all small businesses get to see the light of the day, so you have to be smart about every move you make. Here are some tips on how to start your business before you begin investing. 


Do a Research

If you are interested in starting your own business, you probably have an idea of what you want it to be. Now is the time to see if that idea is a good one. These are some of the tough questions you need to ask yourself:

  • Is that idea really a good one?
  • Does the current market need my product?
  • What is the competition like?
  • Can I go through the validation process without any major issues?
  • Will my business fit into the current market?

After doing the research and if you can go through the questions and have a positive answer, you can start thinking about your startup business plan.


Make a Plan

Making a plan means thinking about every step of the process and pretty much just writing it down to see if you can do it. There are different types of plans for different businesses and one of the main differences is if you need extra financial support or not. If you don’t need financial support, you can make a one page business plan and go with it. 

If you are seeking financial support, here are the main things you should write down and pay attention to when deciding on the small business funds:

  • Legal fees
  • Licenses and permits
  • Branding
  • Events
  • Rent
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Salaries
  • Production and equipment
  • Additional expenses

If you are not sure on how to fund your business, here are some ways you can do it:

  • Small business loans
  • Small business grants
  • Crowdfunding
  • Angel investors


Choose the Structure

There are different structures that will impact the business name, liability, the way you file your taxes and so on. Before starting your business, choose one of these structures:

  • Sole  proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Corporation

It would be smart if you consult with an attorney before beginning investing as they can help you make the right decision.


Choose the Name and Register the Business


The name will affect every aspect of your business, so make sure it’s a good one. Check if it’s available and then register it. It will be a really smart thing if you buy the domain right away as well, so you know that you can set up the website you will need in the future. 

Depending on the business, you will need licenses and permits. Paperwork is the boring part of the startup business, but it’s a really important one. If you are not sure what you need and how to fill it, you may need to consult with an expert. 


Pay Attention to the Details

The last things you need to pay attention before creating your small business are the following:

  • Setting up the location – here you need to think about the equipment and if the location works for the type of business you have. It can be a home office, shared or private office space or a retail location. Make sure it’s easily accessible for customers and future investors.
  • Get the right team – hiring employees is a really important part. Don’t rush with this decision and pay attention to the people’s characters and ability. Take your time and choose the right team.
  • Promote your business – marketing is very, very important when it comes to startup businesses. Advertise both online and offline. If you don’t have experience in marketing, get at least one employee that will be in charge of that part so people can notice your business and your company will survive and become successful. 


Startup businesses are a stressful thing, but if you make the right moves, it will be the best decision you made in your life. Just know that good things take time and don’t expect results overnight. Make the startup business plan and breathe, everything will be okay. And if at first you don’t succeed, don’t give up, find your mistakes and start again. 

Karen Walker:
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